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If you enjoy the comic, in lieu of a donation to me, please consider contributing to one of the following groups:

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Hello, Hi, hello. New pages up. Start of a new chapter, Space and Thyme. Hopefully I can start getting pages out quicker now. Other stuff soon.

Latest pages for the Super Science Club Leon Graphic Novel here.

Thanks for reading,



Hi again,

SO, I'm finally moving into the house I have been fixing up for months now. I hope to be in soon and back to comic-ing asap. (Especially since the corona has everything else shut down.) The only real issue is getting my phone and internet services moved. The last time I did this it took nearly a month to get back online.

Considering that, I've updated the site with a couple of pencilled preview pages for Chapter 7, here (I already see something I need to change). I also have an additional third page for the xenozoo short above that I hope will help make it more clear as to what is going on. I should also have a couple of the Super Science Club graphic novel pages ready before "going dark" but we'll see if I make that deadline or not.

I hope to be back to making pages and to make a real push to comics and promoting myself. I think I'll try to restart the shop and etsy with zines and posters again. We'll see what happens. Thanks for hanging in there.

Stay safe, wash your hands and thanks for reading.




It’s the amazing year 2020 and now the NEWS.

I haven’t been as productive as I would have liked in 2019. I had started the year wanting to try a graphic novel pitch for the super science club and put xenozoo aside to work on it. It was going alright until about July when I bought a small house. With most people this would just mean a few weeks to organize a move. But the house is what you would probably call a “FIXER-UPPER” and has taken the majority of my time to get it to the point where it is livable. In any case, I should be moving into it soon and hope to get back to comics in the new year.

Speaking of comics, the short Xenozoo comic on the index page is probably a misfire. Sorry if it is confusing. I wanted to try an experiment and it doesn’t seem like it worked out. I think I can fix it by adding a third page inbetween the two already there. So we’ll see how quickly I can get that corrected.

I still plan to work on the SSC Leon Graphic Novel and hope to have more pages/content on that eventually. You can read the initial pages for it here.

I am going to start the next Xenozoo chapter (Ch7) Space and Thyme and I’m working on the first set of those pages now.

And of course some miscellaneous nonsense, like Bookish, Bootleg Batman, DoReMi Journal, Korra, Skyrim, Company Man maybe…. who knows what else.

I intent to work more aggressively towards comics this year and that effort will probably include resurrecting the shop and etsy page. Graphic Design seems to have dead ended for me and I don’t expect much opportunity out of it anymore (thanks KC HR people). So, we’ll see what happens in the new shiny 2020.

The traditional New Years Hidden Map will be online for a few days. There are also links to donate to RAICES an organization specifically for helping immigrant children. The other is to support Bernie Sanders for President (although feel free to support any democrat candidate).

I'v also deleted a lot of old junk from this page except for a few relevant items.

Thanks for reading,



Hi again,

I made a 18 page Hallo ween-ish comic about two kittens using magic to make candy. It was just something I did for fun with a sharpy and thought I would put it together in downloadable booklet to give away. You can print as many as you like and share it. I just don't want people to try and sell it. There are some instructions that I hope aren't too difficult. It's tricky to print a zine if you don't have a "Booklet" option. Have fun.

You can download the 18mb zip files here.

or the 9mb 3.5x5.5 "Fun Sized" version here.

Thanks for reading,



THIS is a link to my professional work hosted here on the site. GoDaddy tried to gouge me for the hosting of my projectxeno portfolio site, so I relocated it all here until I figure out a better alternative.

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All contents Copyright ©2009 by Adrian Fleming and Project Xeno. No duplication, reproduction or reprinting of Xenozoo Comic or related
characters allowed without written permission from the author and/or publisher.
